Certified Christian Coach, Author, Speaker & CEO of Yes, You Can Girl!
Welcome to our Christian ministry for women! I'm passionate about helping you grow in Christ and fulfill your God-given purpose.
I want to help women all over the world experience freedom, joy, and purpose as they discover the heart of God, develop a deeper relationship with Him, and step into His perfect plan for their lives.
I'm married to the love of my life, Charlie, and we have three beautiful children; Rachel, Hannah & Noah. I enjoy reading, learning, and creating. Most of all, I love discovering who I am in Christ and sharing the hope of Him with others. I'm so glad you're here!
PB&J...It's what everyone else calls quiet time. It's how we can know Jesus personally and grow up spiritually.
Join our email list and be encouraged in your walk with Christ, join focused classes & events, and learn about our devotionals and journals.
We're learning to build a personal relationship with God by spending time with Him every day in PB&J, that's Prayer, Bible & Journaling.
Join us as we study "The Process of Becoming Fruitful", glorifying the Father and learning to bear much fruit as growing disciples of Christ.
Our Spirit-led journals and devotionals help give order to your time with the Lord using a structured layout with journaling boxes that prompt your response, creating order and consistency, giving you an easy-to-follow process that allows you to spend time with God anytime, for any length of time, every single day! Just grab your Bible, your devotional or journal and a pen! You can start in as little as 15 minutes a day!
Preparing for Harvest by Sowing the Good Seed in the Soil of Our Hearts
How to Glorify the Father and Bear Much Fruit as a Growing Disciple of Christ
Trenton Main Street Festival
Fri, Jun 7th 3-8, Sat, Jun 8th 9-5
Traveler's Lantern Market
Main Street, Trenton, KY
Ruby's Feel-Good Festival
Sat, Jun 22nd from 1-7pm
Ruby's Happy Farm, LLC.
2175 Friendship Rd. Cross Plains, TN
WMU Meeting Speaker
Tue, Jul 9th - 6pm Meal, 7pm Mtg
Woodlawn Baptist Church
4118 Clarksville Rd., Russellville, KY
Sunflower Festival
Fri-Sun, Jun 12-14th
Red River Farms
5350 Draper Rd, Springfield, TN
Black Lick Creek Honey Festival
Sat, Jul 27th from 9am-3pm CST
1039 Quarry Rd., Auburn, KY
Corvettes, Crafts & Collectables
Sat, Aug 10th from 9am-3pm CST
National Corvette Museum, BG, KY
Grand Rivers Arts & Crafts Festival
Sat-Mon, Aug 31-Sep 2
156 Cumberland Ave, Grand Rivers KY
Corvettes, Crafts & Collectables
Sat, Sep 14th from 9am-3pm CST
National Corvette Museum, BG, KY
Greenville Squash & Gobble Festival
Sat, Sep 21st from 9am-4pm CST
125 S. Main St., Greenville City Square
Girl Rest Experience Virtual Speaker
Fri-Sat, Sep 20-21
Elkton Harvest Festival
Sat, Sep 28th from 9am-3pm CST
Elkton, KY Downtown Square
Tobacco & Heritage Festival
Sat, Oct 12th from 9am-4pm CST
Historic Courthouse Lawn
200 W. 4th St., Russellville, KY
The Christmas Sampler
Fri, Nov 1st, 4-8pm & Nov 2nd, 8:30-4
The Center in Downtown Springfield
401 N. Main St., Springfield, TN
Hampton's Crossroads Church Women's Luncheon Speaker
Sat, Nov 2nd, 10am-2pm
Venue: The Duck Pond Manner
665 Duck Pond Rd., Sparta, TN 38583
Corvettes, Crafts & Collectables
Sat, Nov 9-10th from 9am-3pm CST
National Corvette Museum, BG, KY
Girls Day Out
Sat, Nov TBA
Nicely Conference Center
2355 Nashville Rd., Bowling Green, KY